Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Kent's Cloth of the United Nations


Good morning!

All of us know the popularity and diversity of feedsacks in the 20th century.  Sue P.  has collected and used a number of them in her projects and many other collectors are in the fabric-loving world.

But today's feedsack is a bit different.  The fabric was printed in 1942 by Percy Kent Mills and was called Kent's Cloth of the United Nations.  It  is an amazing depiction of what folks were actually reading in the newspaper at the time.  It's a mini-history lesson woven in threads.

The fabric features images that occurred during World War 2 including battles, Allies, and even a caricature of the enemy.  

Anzac at the left of the image below referred to a naval command station in Australia.  It is surrounded by representations of Allies.

Battle of Britain and a special notation for Alaska which was only a territory at the time is pictured:

Roosevelt's Lend- Lease policy extended not only to Britain but also Iceland:

The amazing rescue at Dunkerque:

Pearl Harbor to the Left and our Soviet Allies (right top) are featured:

Heroes are featured as well.  Captain Colin Kelly is considered the first hero of the war.  He was credited for sinking the Japanese ship Haruna only 3 days after Pearl Harbor.  His B-17 was attacked by the Japanese as he returned to base.  He ordered his crew to bail out and all were saved except for Kelly himself who died when the plane crash.  It was only after World War II that it was discovered he had actually sunk a different Japanese ship called the Ashigara.

I first learned of this amazing feedsack when I purchased a baby tied comfort many years ago.  It was worn and so faded, I could barely make out the images or text on the piece.  It fascinated me so I bought it (it was also really inexpensive).  

I wondered why the maker chose to use this particular feedsack for the baby and clearly it had been used.  I still wonder, did she have a husband in the military?  Was it just available?  Or was she just expressing her patriotism?

The image that really caught my attention was this one:

Yup that is Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo getting fried.

I haven't personally seen any quilts that feature this feedsack but found one online here.

Years later, I purchased an actual feedsack from a friend so that my audiences could see the text and images clearer.  

So what do you think of this cloth?  Does it fascinate you as well?

Wishing you a safe and happy day!


  1. Very Interesting. I enjoyed learning about this cloth.

  2. What an amazing piece of fabric. You get to learn so much history as you research, that is the best part. Love this statement: "It fascinated me so I bought it" - lol - love it!
