Monday, July 31, 2023

More Patriotic Needlecraft


Happy Monday!

Well I found some more interesting patterns featured in Needlecraft ads during World War 2.  I'm wondering if you find these things as interesting as I do.  I am and most of you are too, baby boomers who grew up after the war ended.  But World War 2 was definitely in our social culture.  We had relatives who fought or volunteered during the war.  Television shows, movies, and books reminded of us of the horror and valor that occurred.  We may have not grown up during the war but it was definitely in our social consciousness.  

April 1942

Slippers that could be made and were "unrationed footwear" published in November 1943.

Star quilt pattern, December 1942.

Douglas MacArthur embroidery pattern.  A unique pattern, I couldn't find any other general celebrated in this way.  April, 1942, shortly after MacArthur's famous speech to the Philippines: "I shall return." 

Wishing you a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. I was born near the end of the war. My mom saved my snow suit which buttoned, no zipper, because of metal rationing.
