Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday's This and That: August 22, 2023


Good morning!

We are spending as much time as possible outside these days.  Autumn is approaching and I will miss hanging out in the backyard.  For now, there are lots of butterflies, bees, and even hummingbirds flitting around.  We shall miss these garden visitors in a few months.

I'm always searching for unusual floral quilt patterns (even though I don't applique) and found a few to share with you.

Here's an unusual 1934 applique pattern for salvia:

And another pattern I found was for a wreath of petunias and published in 1935:

This Bachelor's Button pattern was from 1933 but the pattern reminds me more of a 1950s style pattern:

An unusual sunflower quilt pattern from 1946:

This busy quilt is entitled "Gay Cosmos" and was published in 1934:

Here's a "Baby Aster" quilt pattern from 1932:

Have a wonderful and safe day!

1 comment:

  1. The Bachelor's Button would be great in modern prints. I had to look twice to figure out how it's assembled.
