Thursday, August 31, 2023

I'm Not a Flower


First thing every morning, I take Kerry out to go to the bathroom.  I was startled last week when I got "buzzed" by a hummingbird that flew too close to me.  I realized what was so close to me and then the bird stopped aside of me and just stared at me.  I've noticed that the hummingbirds are curious and one has stared at me before, hovering straight in front of me.  But getting buzzed was a new experience here at home.

So I stared at the hummingbird who was staring at me and then I realized what he or she was really surveying:  my bathrobe.  The robe is bright pink and a waffle kind of fabric.  I finally said aloud:  "I'm not a flower." The hummer considered this and then took off.  

Have you had that kind of experience?

Anyway, tomorrow is Flower Friday and I would love to know what is happening in your garden!  Please email me photos at

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. Had a trapped hummingbird buzz past me when I opened the garage door once. Had no idea they make so much sound!

  2. I laughed when I read about your robe. I've had bees inquisitively buzz around me but never a hummingbird.

  3. Wow! What a wonderful encounter.
