Monday, August 12, 2024

Lucky update


Greetings and Happy Monday!

Last week I received an email from a reader who asked how Lucky is doing.  So here's an update on little Lucky!

Some people think he is a fierce and wild dog.  Whenever we stop to talk to anyone while we are walking, he wants to jump all over them and mouth their hands (not bite, just mouth).  Most of my neighbors have learned our technique:  put your hands behind your back and tell him to sit.  Once he sits (and calms down), he can be petted.

But Lucky is really a scaredy dog.  He's afraid of thunder like most dogs but he's also afraid of the garbage cans, piles of leaves, etc. we encounter on our walks.  At my mother's, he's afraid of her toy basket and carefully tries to pick a toy without toppling the basket.  At our home, he's afraid of wash baskets.  He was really upset when his favorite toy partially landed on this basket!

During the storms and high winds last week, this statue fell just as he was passing.  Neither dog nor statue was damaged.  It didn't hit him but it sure scared the heck out of him!

The boy's favorite toy--the ball!  He will even play on his own with the ball while I garden or do work at my mother's.

The ball can get lost in the garden.  So I try to remember to bring it in the house or leave it on the patio table.  Lucky can persistently request his ball when it's on the table.

Last week we frequently walked in the rain.  It can be challenging to entertain him when he hasn't had enough exercise.  I was ordering some things for my mom on Amazon last week and an ad popped up for a 24 inch Lambchop dog toy that was on sale.  Of course I ordered it!  It's pretty big and I wasn't sure if he would be afraid of it.  Nope, he loved it!

It's very comfortable too and perfect for wrestling!

And Lucky likes to drag it onto the couch.  Play with it and then drop it over the side of the couch (like it is escaping) and run and get it again.

Dog toy from Amazon:  $14.99.  Smile from Mr. Lucky when he plays with it:  priceless!

Have a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky is adorable! Wonder why is afraid of those things - I so often wish my kitties could talk to us and tell us why they are afraid of certain things and tell me something about their past lives. Love those photos of him with Lambchop - lol!
