Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Lucky and the Faun


Greetings and happy Wednesday!

A few weeks ago, I posted on one of my blogs about two faun that were playing in the park where we walk each morning.  We watched from afar and couldn't believe that the dogs lined up never barked and frightened the deer.

Friday was our turn to have that kind of experience.  To be honest, I wasn't even sure why Lucky was trying to stop on our walk.  Then a woman stopped and I realized there was a faun on the other side of the fence.

Lucky never barked but watched with fascination.

It may look big on this photo but believe me, it wasn't much bigger than Lucky.  Then the faun moved up to the entrance of the inner park and wasn't much more than a few feet from Lucky and me.

At one point, Lucky even pointed at the faun.  I'm not sure he even knew why he was doing that 😂😂😂

The mother wasn't around but we surrounded by thick brush and a woods and I'm sure she was watching her kiddo!

If you have anything to share for Flower Friday, please email me at

Anyway, wishing you a safe and happy day!


  1. Sweet Lucky is a very good boy! Looks like he was fascinated, but didn't feel threatened. I definitely hope the mama deer was closeby!

  2. What a delight! Lucky is one good dog and how funny that he pointed!
