Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Better Done Than Perfect!



Happy Wednesday!

At our guild we've been running a challenge during the year called Better Done Than Perfect!  The idea of course is to clear out some UFOs from our sewing room.  I love these kinds of challenges and have finished a number of pieces so far:

I have an additional one for Remi finished but I forgot to take a photo of that (will work on it).

While I was cleaning up my sewing room, I remembered another UFO on my list.  I called these blocks "batik diamonds" but the pattern maker referred to it as Kite Block mini quilt (and you can get the pattern here for free by signing up for Flying Parrots Quilts' newsletter).  The pattern is foundation pieced.  Last year I was trying to use up some of my batik scraps and made a number of blocks.  

And then I got tired of them and put them in a drawer.  This week I decided to do something with them.  The leader of our guild challenge has no problem with us changing directions on our original project.  She demonstrated this last year when she made a table runner or some other smaller project with her blocks, something lit up in me!

So instead of making a quilt, I decided to use the blocks to make table runners!

I love the way these turned out and can't wait to gift them.  Unfortunately I have a round table so I can't use either of them.  But I'm so glad to get the blocks used up.  I still have a drawer of batik scraps but I'll figure something else to do with them.  In the meantime, another UFO finished!

How is your sewing going?

Flower Friday is coming up so if you have anything to share, please email me at

Have a safe and happy day!

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