Friday, August 2, 2024

Flower Friday: August 2, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

It's August and pretty soon we will be complaining about the cold.  Although we had a splendid spring, the summer here has been challenging.  Yes we had a lot of heat, but the lack of rainfall has really been a detriment to the plants and the gardeners.  I hope your season was better and I hope summer ends better  wetter for us.

This week Sue sent a photo of her perennial amaryllis.  I didn't know there was a perennial version of this flower!  She says it's blooming early this year:

My perennial hibiscus is blooming:

My mother has an hibiscus but it is an annual.  My brother bought it before he was sick.  I suddenly realized a week ago that the flower is a double version which I've never seen before.

I don't remember seeing crepe myrtles in gardens when I was a child but we sure have a lot of them in my neighborhood these days.  Here is Charlie's:

And Peter's garden is displaying a charming combination of raspberries and roses.  

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


  1. Enjoyed seeing the pink lilies We always called them "Naked Ladies" because they just come up out of the ground with no foliage at the base. I can't seem to get them to grow here. Maybe I'll try again. . .

  2. Love these photos. Makes me miss hibiscus, we had them in south Texas but I have not tried one here. It's too hot for anything to grow, everything is baking right now. I need to move north!

  3. What a lovely sentiment in today's meme. Pretty flowers, too.
