Friday, August 9, 2024

Flower Friday: August 9, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

Alice shared a visitor from her garden!
She said it's not Puxatawny Phil but it sure likes to munch in her yard!

We have an unusual squirrel in our neighborhood.  We thought she was pregnant at first but it's been 2 months (long after the gestation period).  One neighbor speculated that maybe the squirrel has a tumor.  Another thinks it is just eating too much.  Whatever the reason, the neighborhood has been enjoying her.

It's been raining most of the week and we are all grateful.  Already in July, the leaves were turning and falling off the trees. 😕

The world has greened up again!

In the background is "The Swan" hydrangea and in the foreground are coleus which I always include in my garden.

I'm sorry I don't have more photos this week but I don't like taking my phone out when it's raining.  

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


  1. The picture of Lucky dog is lovely. I feel so badly for that squirrel. It looks like Weeble. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. I suppose squirrels don't worry, take things as they come and aren't criticized by other squirrels. I could go with that.

  2. That squirrel, poor thing! Your coleus is pretty, do you plant yours from seed?
