Friday, June 28, 2024

Flower Friday: June 28, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

This week I am celebrating the inch of rain we received Wednesday night.  We haven't had rain since before Memorial Day.  Yeah for rain!

We have some nice flower selections from Sue  and Nann this week!

Many of you commented about weeds and Nann even quoted Emerson:  "A weed is a wildflower whose virtues have not yet been discovered."

I love what Nann shared this week.  It's a Prickly Pear Cactus she saw at Illinois Beach State Park!

Nann explained that the points at the end of the leaves are sharp spines!

But so pretty!

From Sue this week, we have a nice variety!

Monarch Butterfly enjoying some parsley!

Sue has a number of rudbeckia plants, many that have mutated.  I've got that as well but enjoy seeing Sue's varieties!

Here's a double road lily (aka ditch lily) from Sue's garden:

Single variety:

Butterfly weed below.  Sue commented that she thought it was interesting how so many orange flowers bloom this time of year!

Thank you Sue for sharing your lovely photos!

Have a safe and happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Those orange flowers are quite pretty. I have a dill plant blooming but still no sign of any caterpillars, and I planted it specifically to attract them. Oh well, maybe next year. Enjoy your weekend!
