Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday's This and That: June 4, 2024


Happy Tuesday!

Well it's been a while since I did a This and That post so let's see what I saved up for you.

Thanks for all the support about Lucky's illness.  He is gradually improving and even getting into trouble again.  He even caught a young baby rabbit in the garden and happily didn't eat it but pranced around the garden with it.  He'll be on medication for another week and half but we are thrilled at his improvement so far.


When I was a kid, I wondered what pocket Lucky Locket lost.  Did you she mean pocket book?  Did someone rip her dress?  It was confusing to me.  I found the answer in a book called The Pocket:  A Hidden History of Women's Lives, 1660-1900.

I also found this article in JSTOR if you want an interesting read.  There are also some antique pockets at this blog and here as well.

Wishing you a safe and happy day!


  1. Glad Lucky is feeling better. Getting into trouble is always a good sign. ;)

  2. Thanks for the Lucky update. Happy to hear he's on the mend.
