Wednesday, June 12, 2024

One Garden Mystery Solved


Happy Wednesday!

Last week, I asked if anyone knew about my neighbor's flowering bush.  Happily, Sue P. solved that question.  It is a Sweetbay Magnolia!  Thank you Sue!

Lace Cap hydrangea that seeded out front.

Another comment was from Diann in Colorado.  She loved the look of my hydrangeas but was unsure if they could grow in Colorado.  I wasn't sure either and did some investigating.  Apparently there is a mountain hydrangea that grows at high altitudes in Japan.  Another website said hydrangeas could be grown in Colorado but would need some extra care.  One blog I found that addressed the question you can read it herehere.

Our weather this week is weird.  Nicely cool (until later this week) but the ground is bone dry which seems so odd after all the rain we had in the earlier part of the spring.  

What is happening in your garden?  To share photos, please email me at

Have a safe and fun day in the garden!


  1. Thanks for the "note to self." I am going to paint that on a sign and hang it on the garden gate :)

  2. That note happened to me this week! I sat on the edging of the flowerbed and couldn't get up! I finally made it without having to call my husband to rescue me. I'm turning into my mother!

  3. Thanks for the info and link about growing hydrangeas in Colorado! I'm not sure we have the right place for them in our yard, but I'll keep thinking about that. They sure make beautiful blooms!

  4. We had a lot of rain, then by the next week it was (and is) bone dry, with no relief in sight until next week. Enjoy the rest of your week!
