Wednesday, June 19, 2024

More This and That: June 19, 2024

Happy Juneteenth and happy Wednesday!

Fortunately, our city celebrated last Saturday.  The weather was great on that date and not the current heat wave we have.


Fireflies in the summer color so many memories of childhood!  And now they are captivating our baby Lucky.  When I take him out front for his last potty break, the flower garden is full of the lightning bugs.  I can almost hear him think:  what's that?  Wait it's gone!  No there it is!  It's tough to make him do his business when he's so curious about these enchanting creatures!

The puppy is having a great summer.  I bought Lucky a pool that we keep at my mom's house.  It's shallow and has a sprinkler attached to the ring around the pool.  Lucky wasn't sure what to make of it at first.  He behaved as if his ball was in a weird jail cell.  😁

But no worries, Uncle Jim lowered the water pressure and gradually Lucky acclimated to the new pool.  He even began to throw his ball in it for fun!

By Tuesday, he was eager to play in his pool!
He even jumped in it before we filled the pool!

Now he regularly takes his ball into the pool and plays around the water with it.  My mom, brother, and I are really having fun watching his antics!

We do all these activities in the morning.  The heat is high enough even then and he naps throughout the afternoon.  Life returns to normal as the sun goes down and our visits to Tinkerbell occur much later than they usually do.

I sure hope you are finding a fun way to stay cool!

Have a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun pool for Lucky! I bet he is very entertaining to watch. With your high temps, I might be tempted to go sit in that pool, too!
