Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday's This and That: June 25, 2024

Happy Tuesday!

Well the heat of summer has knocked a lot of us for a loop.  For me, it's more the lack of rain.  I spend my mornings and twilights watering different parts of the garden.  Lucky is down to two walks a day because it is just too hot.  We go out at daybreak and twilight when it's safe for him to walk.


This week for Flower Friday, you can show us your favorite plants or you can show us a plant that is the bane of your existence (aka weed).  I'll start tomorrow with my most disliked weed in the garden.

Some of us just can't attend lectures and educational classes like we did when we were younger.  The Schwenkfelder Heritage Center has a number of virtual lectures from their last series.  They are not free but I always found the lectures and classes there worthwhile.  See here.  


Not gardening or quilting story, but the story of the Tarahumara runners is quite interesting.  See here.

Wishing you a safe and happy day!

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