Friday, June 7, 2024

Flower Friday: June 7, 2024

Happy Flower Friday!

As we conclude the first whole week of June, I find myself wandering around the neighborhood following lovely fragrances of flowers.  Here is one I don't know.  It almost smells of oranges and vanilla.  If you know, could you tell me?  The flower is usually whiter, this one is fading now:

From Diann in Colorado!
Gorgeous petunias!

This week, Sue shared a photo of her Peaches and Cream Honeysuckle.  It's stunning:

Sue's Purple Bellflower--sticking out of an Azalea bush:

This rose is growing at the park, love the painted quality! 

Also at the park, the lilies are beginning to bloom!

And of course, we can't forget the wildlife that live in our gardens!  Like Sue's catbird in the bird bath:


Have a wonderful and restful weekend!


  1. What pretty flowers and photos! I especially love the honeysuckle, the rose, and the "catbird". :)

  2. Thanks for sharing my photo, Michele! I enjoyed all the others, too. That rose is beautiful, and the "catbird" made me laugh!

  3. What a lovely array of flowery photos, Michele. Catbird looks so comfy there.

  4. It's fun to see the flowers. My phone is full of flower pictures through the years that I have taken and neglected to send to you.
