Monday, July 8, 2024

Two Finishes


Good morning and how are you today?

It seems like it is HOT everywhere in North America these days.  Even with the air conditioner, I feel the need for more cooling devices:

Okay I don't have pretty fans like the ones above but I do have fans like the one below running these days (as well as the a/c).

My sewing tends to suffer during the summer.  Especially these days when I am up at 5 a.m.   Yes I need to get up that early so I can walk Lucky without either of us wilting too much.

I have gotten two quilts done in the last few weeks though!  This is a baby quilt for a friend's daughter who is pregnant with her first baby boy.  I had the top on my UFO list so I thought I would get it done and get it delivered.

I love the little giraffes:

And I loved that I had polka dot fabric in my stash for the binding.

I also finished Sophie's quilt.  Sophie is 10 and very sporty.  I was warned not to make her anything frilly.  She plays many sports--including flag football!

I made the top about a year ago but had other things going on.  So I'm grateful to have it done now!

I should have my Candyland quilt completed by Wednesday's post.🤞

How are you holding up in the heat?

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. We're in for some extra hot days this week. We just have an evaporative cooler which is great until it hits 100 degrees. The temps are supposed to gradually increase all week and get up to 104 on Thursday. Sounds like a good day to hide in the basement and set up the portable fans.

  2. Those quilts are so cute! Nice finishes.
