Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Candy Land 3


Happy Wednesday!

Last April, I wrote about making a quilt that reminded me of the game Candy Land. It was supposed to be a baby quilt.

I did ask your advice.  I wasn't comfortable with the mish-mash of fabrics but for some reason, thought it should be quilted in red.  Everyone of you said go for it and do all of the above.  I believe Sue said,  "Take a walk on the wild side."

And then...I showed the photos to my friend Karen.  She went crazy for this and told me these were her colors and could I make the quilt bigger for her?

Karen is the queen of kitsch.  She loves and collects furniture and items from the 1940s and 1950s.  It's one of the reasons I love her so much!

I've been working on this quilt ever since and it's been a (wild) bear.  The blocks are small and fiddly and required a lot of seam ripping.  I ran out of fabric and incorporated fabric from my suitcase of vintage fabrics.  But it began to look too pastel-y.  It needed more "Karen".  With her blessing, I found an alternate block fabric that described her more.  And I found it...

And yes, I had it quilted with red thread:

I'm giving this one to Karen later in August.  The quilt took me out of my comfort zone but now I think it is one of my favorite pieces because it is so "Karen".  
Do you like it?

Wishing you a sweet and safe day!


  1. Well! You wild, wild woman! I love it. I loved it before but the alternate blocks make it even better. Perhaps it gives the eye a place to rest and definition to the design. The red quilting is perfect. Karen is as wildly lucky as you are wildly creative. Well done.

  2. Delightful quilt. And it does look good enough to eat.

  3. I love it, and I'm sure Karen will was well.
    Andrea in MO
