Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday's This and That: September 3, 2024


Are you ready to have a great day!
Happy Tuesday!

Two youtube channels I enjoy watching right now are The Last Homely House (from the U.K.) and Stitch with Rachel.  I'm saving a lot of the videos for when baseball season ends but still sneak peaks at different tutorials, etc. at these sites.  

Are there any sites you enjoy that you would share?


It feels like fall and that makes me think of purging and reorganizing!

I'm always interested in reorganizing my sewing room.   Here are two blog posts you might enjoy if you are thinking of a room re-do:

From A Quilting Life:  Organizing Your Sewing Room
I like this post because it is short and sweet and doesn't involve buying things to organize one's room.  I think the idea in organization is to use what you actually have and save money!  Also there are other links you can peruse that she lists on this post.


Have a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. About the only time I watch videos is when I need to learn how to do something, and then I skip through all the "chatter" to get to the meat of it. Isn't Sherri's room beautiful!
