Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday's This and That: September 10, 2024


Greetings and Salutations!

Today is about ideas and patterns on my radar this month.

"Quilted couch covers"  must be a new fad.  The pieces aren't what we would call a slipcover but an actual quilted piece.


Most of the photos of these show pets on the couch.  Of course there is no way I am buying this when it is simple enough to make.  There's even a variation with a piece for the back of the quilt, just ripe for Lucky to rip down and shake about.  😄 

I'm not buying these but I am thinking of making one for my couch in the winter.  I think some fun bright color during the dark days of January and February might be in order.  Would you make one of these?


Another item from my radar was this quilt called clippings.  I like this because it is a different pattern for a scrap quilt!

You can get the pattern at this link.  I think it is just a fun and different look!

I kept thinking that the shape of the blocks was similar to something else.  Sure enough, I found this photo on Pinterest for a star.  I followed the link to the Sew In Love blog and found a great tutorial here.  

If you rearrange the blocks you can get a neat pinwheel as well.  See the great blog to explore possibilities!

Are any patterns ringing your bell these days?

Have a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Love those quilted couch covers. I might make a version of these. We just got a new sofa, and at night I cover it with my quilts so the kitties won't use it as a scratching post.
    Haha - way too many patterns ringing my bell lately! I have that star pattern somewhere on my laptop but can't find it right now, thanks for the tutorial link. The clippings quilt is really cute.
