Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Grandma's Afghans


Happy Wednesday!  How are you today?

Well I spent another day shoveling out the attic and I think it is done for now.  It will at least be easier to find what is there.  Sometimes the dog really minds all the activity and goes downstairs to defiantly lay on the couch while you are working.  

He doesn't realize that it's not a big deal if he lays there or not but I didn't tell him and ruin his rebellion.  😃

 Sometimes during these purges, you find good stuff!  Yesterday I found some afghans that my great-grandmother made.

These I will give to my nieces.  The oldest has a 2 year old daughter and the youngest knits and crochets.  Grandma passed a long time before they were born so I think I will write a paragraph about her to share with them.  

So now it's back to the sewing room to finish my baby quilt and cut up some fabric for the next quilt.

What are you doing today?

Have a safe and happy day!

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