Monday, February 5, 2024



Good morning and happy Monday!

It was a great weekend for one main reason:  SUNSHINE!  It's been a while since we've had full sunshine for a whole day, much less a few days.  I hope the sun is shining where you are and you are enjoying some Vitamin D  and some energy.  Over the weekend I finished a quilt and then did some deep cleaning in the sewing room.  

Of course while I was cleaning, I was thinking/debating what kind of quilt I wanted to make next.  I've decided on using a shoofly pattern, mostly because I don't think I've done one in years/decades.  Of course, the next question is shall I make a baby quilt or a throw?  More on that when I decide.

I wonder if you you are familiar with the word, "shoofly".  Here in eastern Pennsylvania, we usually connotate that word with a molasses pie.  If you never heard of it and are intrigued, here's a five star recipe.

Another meaning of the word shoofly is a child's toy rocker.  The rocking horse type toy has a flat seat for the baby or child to sit on:

One of the interesting things is that this is a fairly old pattern.  I didn't see any designs printed in old newspapers although there were plenty of notations about women making them.  Here is a photo of some blocks that are available on an online shop:

What are you working on these days?

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. I've never made nor had shoofly pie, which amazes me because I am a pie person and I love molasses!

  2. Oh, now I am hungry for a piece of that pie! I love it, and of course it is very maybe next time I am in PA I can make an effort to get a piece. It has been ages.
