Friday, February 2, 2024

Happy Groundhog's Day!


Good morning and happy Groundhog's Day!

My mom's birthday is today and she always says that whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow, we have 6 more weeks of winter.  Statistics show that mom is often correct.  According to one article I read, Punxsutawney Phil has been right 39% of the time since predictions began in 1887.  

Still, there is a certain relief when Groundhog's Day occurs.  There's more light in the evening and now that the snow has melted, more of the spring bulbs are beginning to surface; don't worry, if there is even more snow, the bulbs survive.

I like this particular quote:

These days I find myself musing about the garden more because I know the warm weather will be here soon. 

I think the thing I look forward to the most is clearing out the garden and walking Lucky more often.  I love the longer days of spring and summer and the various colors of green of the spring.

I was once told that green is the color of healing and perhaps that is why I love spring so much.

I do love the colors of spring and summer flowers but I think my favorite time of year is the early part of the spring when the garden displays so much promise.

How are you feeling about the pending spring?

Have a safe and happy weekend!


  1. Your garden looks so pretty and peaceful. February is not a favorite month of mine, because I love winter and February signals the beginning of the end of it! ;)

  2. Spring! Bring it on! Rototiller is ready. However, Groundhogs not welcome.
