Monday, January 22, 2024

Hankie Craft


Good morning!

How was your weekend?  I did some sewing and cleaning out of the sewing room.  Today's topic is Hanky Craft because I found this wonderful craft I purchased at a local flea market.  Yes, I meant to distribute them as gifts and forgot.

So I'm showing them to you now and perhaps you will do something similar with your handkerchief if you have any nice ones.  These are fairly large and even came with an envelope. 

Of course I had to guard them for the textile bandit:

These three can be given out this year for Valentine's Day to my mom, aunt, and cousin.

There are two other ones here as well and hopefully, I'll remember them at Christmas time:

I thought these were clever at the time I purchased them and I still think they are charming.  Maybe you will be inspired to do something with your handkerchiefs too!

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. What a great idea! And, yes, I do have a few hankies...."few" being a relative term, of course.

  2. These are just charming! I was just chuckling over the memory of Mom always reminding me to "put a hankie in your pocket" when I was little. She and Granny always had "hankies" in their purses.
