Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Psychiatry and Quiltmaking


Sorry about the delay in posting.  I had to rest yesterday and continue the clean out.  We got over 27 inches of snow in Allentown.  I shovel the back area for my dog and happily pay my kind neighbors to do the front for me.  But it was a lot.  After shoveling 7 times on Monday, I was toast yesterday.  As my one neighbor can attest, we ran out of places to put the snow!

On to happier thoughts.  On Monday I published a few articles about disabled men who took up quilting.  We know that in the 19th century, there were disabled veterans of the Crimean War and the Civil War that quilted.  But in the 20th century, a psychiatrist named Dr. William Rush Dunton, Jr. began advocating hobbies and in particular quilting as therapy for patients in mental hospitals.

Dr.  Dunton is genrally referred to as "the father of Occupational Therapy."  He became intrigued with quilting and even collected quilts and patterns. One of the many books he wrote was on the subject and was self-published.  Old Quilts is a book I've never purchased because it's so rare and copies if available, are over $300. 

The doctor worked in Baltimore and became very enamored with Baltimore Album quilts.  He was one of the first people inducted into the Quilters Hall of Fame.  I suggest you read for yourself about the good doctor.  The Quilters Hall of Fame has a wonderful article about him here.  

Have a safe and happy day!

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