Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Phillies Baseball Quilt


Good morning!  How are you today?

My husband has been working down south for most of the month.  Last Friday he called me and asked what Lucky and I were doing.

"I miss baseball," I told him.  

Hubby likes hockey and football but those sports don't appeal to me.  I love everything baseball and if I can't watch a game, I'll take one of the amazing baseball movies that have been made through the decades.  Still, I longed for a good Phillies game.

Lucky would like baseball and his spring shirt is hanging in the sewing room as we await warmer weather.

Over the weekend, in between watching Moneyball and A League of Their Own, I spent some time in the sewing room.  I made a Phillies quilt for Chase, age 5 and am now working on a baby quilt for Brody, not quite 4 months.  I decided to make these because Justin (their Dad) is a Phillies fanatic like me.  I'm hoping that Justin and Chase (and someday Brody), like the quilts.  Here is the top I finished for Chase.  It's about 55 x65 inches:

The fabric has been sitting in my sewing room since last fall.  My husband came with me when I purchased it; it's the only time he expressed any interest in a quilt fabric and he even became a bit bossy about fabric choices.

One day last week, I dreamt I assembled the quilt with rail fence type blocks flanking the Phillies fabric.  The very next day I plugged in "baseball quilt" and this layout came up on Pinterest.  Magic, just like the game of baseball.

Have you made any sports themed quilts?

Wishing you a safe and happy day!


  1. The grands will like their quilts! Are you going to make them Eagles, quilts, too? I've made two sports quilts for our Rotary Club auction -- one Packers, one Bears. That was circa 2011. I had a stack of cut-away HSTs in the Bears fabric that I *finally* used last December to make 3 placemats for Meals On Wheels.

  2. It's a great quilt. They will love it. I'm not much of a sports fan but I enjoy the enthusiasm others have for their "team". My husband is such a "Ute" fan he was even watching women's basketball last night and bragging about how well they did. I have nothing against women playing basketball, he just has never watched it before.

  3. That is an awesome quilt! Haven't made one yet but planning an OU quilt for Hubs as well as a Texas A&M quilt for my grandson.

  4. Love your Phillies quilt! I'm an avid Phillies fan also. Tickets went on sale today! Not sure if I'll get to a game this year but we used to have a partial season ticket plan. So much fun. I can't wait for baseball season either!
