Monday, June 17, 2024



Happy Monday!

Well it looks like we are in for an heat wave this week.  Just in time for the first day of summer on the 20th.  

The thought of baking anything (on a car or otherwise) fills me with dismay.  The older I get, the more I dislike the 90 plus temps.

I do think that preparation for this weather pattern is not unlike getting ready for a blizzard.  I don't like weather extremes but I sure don't know how people in the south deal with so much heat!

How do you spend time during heatwaves?  Most of us get everything done in the morning (very early morning for walking Lucky). 

The garden is on maintenance only.  The soaker hoses will be my saving grace this week.  We only got about a 1/4 of inch of rain on Saturday and none expected until maybe next weekend.  Two weeks of dryness (and winds last week) has really dried the soil.  

I know that the heat will inhibit working much in the attic sewing room.  Instead I'll be doing more reading.

I have a stack of books ready to read.  I finally finished The Short Life and Long Times of Mrs. Beeton last week.  It was as detailed as a Russian novel and nearly as long.  I'm glad I read it.  I'm even happier that I finished it.  Over the weekend, I read The Real Life of James Herriot, A Memoir of My Father.  This was an enjoyable (and sometimes funny, often poignant) account of the wonderful writer of All Creatures Great and Small (and other books).  

What do you do to stay cool?  

Wishing you all a safe and happy day!


  1. How to stay cool? I turned on the air conditioner this morning! I've been outside and watered all the plants and the wild black raspberries were picked last evening. I don't know if I'll get anymore raspberries or not with this dry heat. Enjoy your reading!

  2. Mrs. Beeton sounds interesting. As I write the a/c is humming along. When I think about how people managed in the heat before air conditioning, it seems to me that it's contrast -- nowadays we KNOW we can go somewhere to get cool. Back then they could only try for "somewhere not as hot." My childhood home had a finished basement, a cool place on hot days. We also went to the municipal swimming pool and, of course, the library.

  3. I hate the heat and am depressed most of the summer unless we have occasional clouds and storms, so I'm out of luck this week for sure. May was wonderful with frequent rain and storms, but it is dry, dry, dry now, and the wind does nothing but make the soil even drier.
    I borrowed the memoir about James Herrriot from the library, but never bought the book. Now I am reminded to get a copy. His books are my all time favorites.
