Friday, June 21, 2024

Flower Friday: June 21, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

The only thing I'm doing in the garden these days is water due to the heatwave and the lack of rainfall the last three weeks.  Still despite the heat, the garden looks fairly well.

The water lilies are in full bloom in the garden too and blooming early in the morning!

I'd probably call this the year of the hydgrangea.  I have two bushes that were problem children.  This one normally has one lonely flower each year, if that.

The one below never bloomed.  I think my husband picked up the one above at the grocery store one year.  I have no idea who gave me the one below.  I don't even remember the names of these hydrangeas anymore.  The bushes struggled to grow and I always wondered if they would come back each year.  No doubt about it though, this year all the hydrangeas are happy!

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!
Stay cool!


  1. Your garden looks like it's thriving, so pretty. I'm troubled because I found bark scale on our 25 year old crepe myrtles. They were actually at their peak of blooming when we first saw this house. White crepe myrtles are my favorites and that was my "sign" that this was our house. They have such beautiful thick multi trunks and I was crushed to find those little white fuzzy things. So we have to go buy something called a "drench" and even then it will take months, but hopefully over time we can get rid of it. We have 3, so it will take some work!

  2. Your garden is beautiful! Thanks for the tour. How's the little , newly discovered, blue hydrangea doing?

  3. Waterlilies are abundant in ponds in our forest preserves. We had a cooler day yesterday but the heat will return this weekend. Happy solstice!
