Monday, October 7, 2024

What I did on my Covid Unvacation...


Hello and happily I'm back!
How are all of you doing?

It's been a two week unvacation and I have to say I have no interest in repeating covid again.  On the day I was scheduled for my covid booster, I woke up sick.  By the next day I had to go to the express clinic.  I was sick for a whole 15 days and only tested negative on Sunday (day 16).  

Throughout all of this, I continued to walk my dog Lucky.  He won't do his business in the backyard and the doctor said it was actually beneficial to keep active and exercise.  So he got (shorter) walks five times a day and we managed.  My husband caught it as well but he doesn't really do much with the dog anyway.

The first week I didn't do much.  I was too tired and slept in between walks.  My brother who I had been taking care of, felt better.  So he stepped up and frequently dropped off food at the front door for us.  

Last week I was feeling better and actually worked a little in the sewing room.  I finished three tops.

Two of the tops are for the challenge my guild is doing (haven't figured out which one to use yet).  The third was a baby top that I've been meaning to do for years.

For years I've been compiling leaders and enders for a scrap quilt.  I actually finished those a while ago and I've begun to put those in a top.  It's simple but someone will want it.  

Now I have to figure out what my next leader/enders will be as I hate to just use scrap fabric.

I wasn't on the computer except for stuff that needed to be done.  I did however learn how to use my smart tv we had bought in June.  I've been enjoying watching quilting youtube videos.  It's a lot better to watch these on the big screen versus my little tablet.  I was grateful for this as most tv is pretty awful these days.

So anyway, I hope you are all taking good care of yourself.  Get your covid booster.  Be careful and have a great day!


  1. Two weeks? Yikes! Hope you've kicked the bug far away! But it did get you back in your sewing room -- love the black scrappy.

  2. So glad you are feeling better! It took me two weeks to get over it, too. I love your leader/ender quilt top - the black squares make the colorful squares pop!

  3. I'm sorry you were sick for so long! Glad you are feeling better, you must have been miserable. I love that leader/ender quilt! So cool to do it with black, it makes it really unique. Hope you keep feeling better and better.
    No Covid shots or boosters of any kind for me!! Yes I'm that person. ;)
