Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Secret Societies and Quilts


Happy Wednesday!

I've been studying secret societies and the symbols that end up on women's quilts.

I saw many at the Infinite Variety (Red and White) exhibit in NYC way back in 2011.

These two quilts have symbols for the Odd Fellows:

This one might be for the Shriners:

Although I don't have any photos of temples that exemplify the Masons, there are many photos online:

Of course the societies excluded women from their chapters.  Auxiliaries were set up for ladies by the mid 19th century after a backlash of opposition to these kinds of societies.

More on this later!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, those secret societies. I've made quilts for Alpha Gamma Delta and P.E.O. but the designs are not as arcane as those in the antiques you show.
