Friday, October 11, 2024

Flower Friday: October 11, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

We are in the midst of cool Autumn days here in Pennsylvania. It's terribly dry here but I'll take it when I look at all the destruction from the hurricanes and tornadoes.  We have frost warnings at night and Thursday the  temperatures were in the 50s.  It's long underwear time.  

Soon we won't have many flowers to report either.  This week I still have foxgloves, salvia and clematis blooming:

How is the gardening where you are?

Have a safe and happy weekend!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Secret Societies and Quilts


Happy Wednesday!

I've been studying secret societies and the symbols that end up on women's quilts.

I saw many at the Infinite Variety (Red and White) exhibit in NYC way back in 2011.

These two quilts have symbols for the Odd Fellows:

This one might be for the Shriners:

Although I don't have any photos of temples that exemplify the Masons, there are many photos online:

Of course the societies excluded women from their chapters.  Auxiliaries were set up for ladies by the mid 19th century after a backlash of opposition to these kinds of societies.

More on this later!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday's This and That: October 8, 2024


Happy Tuesday!
How are you today?


All men love chocolate chip cookies.

Any of you who have a lot of men/boys in your family probably have memorized the chocolate chip cookie recipe as well.

While I was ill, I craved something sweet.  I remembered I have this book:

I'm rather glad I remembered this because I had completely forgotten about the book once the covid lockdown began.  I bought the book because 

I found it appealing that each quilt pattern is named after a different type of cookie.  I was always the cookie baker in our family and used to love baking.

However, as I looked through the book I didn't like the pattern for chocolate chip cookies.  Of course, I picked up my tablet and  looked up quilt patterns for chocolate chip cookies and found one!

I not only found a chocolate chip quilt pattern I like but a whole block of the month patterns FOR FREE that are offered.  Katie Mae has a pretty neat website and you make want to check out the quilt patterns here.  I think the patterns are only offered in October so get them now!

I finished the quilt top I talked about yesterday.

It's not that big only 53 x 60 but it is so heavy because of the many 2.5 inch squares.  Because of the weight, I decided not to put a border on it.  And...I still have more of the squares in my flour can.

I guess I could make 4 or 9 patches with them but I am wondering if you know of a pattern (perhaps with less weight) that incorporates these little squares?


Wishing you a safe and happy day!

Monday, October 7, 2024

What I did on my Covid Unvacation...


Hello and happily I'm back!
How are all of you doing?

It's been a two week unvacation and I have to say I have no interest in repeating covid again.  On the day I was scheduled for my covid booster, I woke up sick.  By the next day I had to go to the express clinic.  I was sick for a whole 15 days and only tested negative on Sunday (day 16).  

Throughout all of this, I continued to walk my dog Lucky.  He won't do his business in the backyard and the doctor said it was actually beneficial to keep active and exercise.  So he got (shorter) walks five times a day and we managed.  My husband caught it as well but he doesn't really do much with the dog anyway.

The first week I didn't do much.  I was too tired and slept in between walks.  My brother who I had been taking care of, felt better.  So he stepped up and frequently dropped off food at the front door for us.  

Last week I was feeling better and actually worked a little in the sewing room.  I finished three tops.

Two of the tops are for the challenge my guild is doing (haven't figured out which one to use yet).  The third was a baby top that I've been meaning to do for years.

For years I've been compiling leaders and enders for a scrap quilt.  I actually finished those a while ago and I've begun to put those in a top.  It's simple but someone will want it.  

Now I have to figure out what my next leader/enders will be as I hate to just use scrap fabric.

I wasn't on the computer except for stuff that needed to be done.  I did however learn how to use my smart tv we had bought in June.  I've been enjoying watching quilting youtube videos.  It's a lot better to watch these on the big screen versus my little tablet.  I was grateful for this as most tv is pretty awful these days.

So anyway, I hope you are all taking good care of yourself.  Get your covid booster.  Be careful and have a great day!