Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Garden update


Hello friends and good morning!

Over the weekend we got some rain!  We need more but I won't complain; hopefully we get more over the weekend.

Then cooler temperatures came in and it was delicious and wonderful.  Of course I did as much as I could in the garden.  Andy mulched the front garden yesterday and that was wonderful (if not incredibly late in the season).  

Andy's mulching couldn't come at a better time.  By yesterday afternoon I was so stiff and sore that I took the rest of the day off and had to rest.  I'm moving better today but I am disappointed I missed guild last night.  At least the garden out front looks good!

My husband told me that the area of Virginia where he likes to fish is experiencing drought as well.  The game commission has asked that fishermen don't use the creeks and river because the water is so low and the fish are struggling to live.  I'm praying they get rain too.

So no work in the rest of the garden this week while I get my back in shape.  I'll just water and hopefully we will get some rain this weekend.

So I'm going back to the sewing room!

Speaking of sewing... I saw this video online and it made me laugh.  Maybe it will make you laugh too.  You can find it here.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks so neat and tidy and beautiful. LOL that video is hilarious! How sad about the fish struggling to live. :(
