Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Good morning!

Lucky became sick over the holiday weekend and was diagnosed yesterday with an inflammation in his large intestine and colon.  He also had an ear infection.  Poor fellow was really uncomfortable and spent most of yesterday on my lap sleeping.  So I didn't get any writing on the blog done.  

He's on medication and a bland diet while we await additional test results.  The good news is he perked up last night after two rounds of his medication and I'm hoping he has a better day today.

For the summer and starting now, I'm hoping to write on the blog Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and have Flower Friday as least that is the plan.  

My garden is bursting with so many plants that I have to weed more out and give them to my beekeeper neighbor.  Lots of rain has contributed to this abundant jungle and it's a good problem to have this year.  What's going on with yours?  

You can share photos via email at   I'm giving you all day Thursday because I go to bed early and am usually up at dawn and at the park with Lucky if he is feeling well.

Have a spectacular Wednesday! 

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, how did Lucky get the inflammation? Poor baby, glad he perked up last night. One of our dogs, Boomer, eats anything, and I mean anything. He got sick late one night and was sick over and over for a day. We were just about to make a vet appointment when suddenly he was fine. If only they could talk!
    I tried to get some photos of my tomatoes yesterday, but there is so much lush vegetation around them they did not photograph well, since they are still green. Everything is growing like crazy.
