Friday, May 24, 2024

Flower Friday: May 4, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

I love the quote above.  Yes my housecleaning suffers during the gardening season.  I prefer to be outside!

Barb S. shared this wonderful photo of her Major Wheeler honeysuckle.  Barb is recovering from surgery and in the early spring she asked her 8 year old grandson to trim it.  😀 She said he gave it more of a crewcut but look how far it's come back!

Sue P. shared the photo of her lovely garden.  I love her farm bell!

Sue's poppy seems so appropriate for the Memorial Day holiday, even if this one is orange.

Sue's clematis is blooming!

I love clematis and how the blooms evolve in such a charming way.  The rain over the weekend may have diminished the petals of my plant but I love the seed head that remains:

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday weekend!

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