Monday, January 6, 2025

Quilter's Giveaway


Hello and are you having a snow day?

I love the photo above because it brings back memories.  I had a muff when I was a child and just adored it.  I'm not sure which of my cousins sent it over (we did a lot of hand-me downs) but it delighted me!  Did you have a muff as a child?

On Saturday I attended a local guild's event called "Quilter's Giveaway."  It was in honor of a late member who had passed away in November.  "Boots" as she was often called was a really sweet woman and when I was a member of that guild, always made a point to make me feel at home.  I ended up having to quilt the guild because the distance to drive (in the dark) at night was too much.  

Everything in the room was free and had been boots.  Boots was in her 90s and had an enormous stash.  All the guild asked was that we donate money to Boot's favorite charity, St. Jude's Children Hospital.  

I wasn't even aware that things were being given away but went down to leave a donation.  I did come back with a few things.

Some fabric that I needed--autumn colors and well as a few other things.

I also picked up some ribbons and doo-dads perfect for crafts I'm making for Remi and family.

Every time I use these pieces, I will be thinking of sweet Boots and the kindness she shared to everyone.

Wishing you a safe and warm day!


  1. i too had a muff when i was little...makes one feel like royalty a haul...seeing more and more of these stash giveaway events as quilters age and pass..

  2. That is the best kind of "shopping", when you can get something beloved of someone else and leave a donation. I love that snow photo!
