Thursday, January 23, 2025


Hello and how are you today?

When I'm not caring for someone, Lucky and I are hibernating in our sewing room.  For 2025, I've mostly done handwork but I did finish enough quilt blocks to make a lap quilt.  More on that one later.

I actually finished the above fish quilt before the holidays.  It was for our guild's challenge this year.  We were supposed to feature a favorite film or book.  The kids in my family love this book I sent about a year ago:

The book is based on a true story and all the kids talked to me about the story.  I was going to make the goldfish all orange but the truth is, I thought that a kid would prefer the colorful fish.  I found the free pattern here at The Objects of Design blog.  

I've also made a second quilt that is different but features goldfish.  I'm binding that now.

Before hand surgeries, I was working on a calendar quilt featuring bunnies.  The thing is my hands started aching and also the June bunny featured a bunny getting married and I just decided to stop.  Happily though, I can use the blocks I did do for the tabletop banners.

Just as a whim, I decided to make quilt as you go hexies in a garden theme.  I just wanted to see how it worked out and I liked it.  I'm going to continue to make some more of these hexies because they are wonderfully portable as a project on the go!

More projects are in the works but none done yet.  I'm in no rush and am altering between a variety of projects.  

I'm having fun with my sewing and I hope you are too!


  1. Ooh, love the floral hexies! How did you cut them?

  2. Love that fish quilt! Your garden hexies are SO pretty.
