Friday, August 30, 2024

Flower Friday: August 30, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

Oh how I wish we had rain!  But it is that weird year.  I've started pruning and hope to get a lot done this year because the bushes are really overgrown.  This pruning may mean sacrificing some blooms next year but I'll take it just to get things in order.

In the meantime, the anemone is blooming:

And so is the Turtlehead.  It is way to close to a bush now but I'll transplant it after it blooms.

Even though they aren't flowers, I'm enjoying my Japanese painted ferns.  They are spring up everywhere in the garden but I never mind.  The leaves are so pretty, they are not unlike a flower!

Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You are hurting for rain too. We are being teased by it every day. But at least it is the last day of August - a day to celebrate for me! Your blooms and pretty non-blooms are lovely.
