Friday, August 16, 2024

Flower Friday: August 16, 2024


Happy Flower Friday!

Sue shared this photo of False Sunflower.  She said it was very stunted this year and that was probably because of the hot dry weather.  

Sue's photo of Morning Glory.  Linda had commented weeks ago that she had a Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory in her yard and I think it might be the same as this one.

Sue also shared photos of her Okra.  Below is the Okra blossom followed by a photo of the plant!

In my garden, I'm finally getting some decent blooms from my zinnias.  A lot of plants suffered this year from weather.  I'm sure many of you can relate to this as well.

Thanks Sue for the awesome photos!

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos! Yes those Grandpa Otts are so unique. Okra does produce such pretty blooms. Your zinnias are lovely. Mine have all scorched in the heat - 106 yesterday. I've decided to move my (new this year) flower/bird garden to the shadier area next to my window for next spring. Enjoy your weekend!
