Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Urn Quilt


Good morning and happy Thursday!

Today I'm featuring a quilt from my collection.  It's an urn quilt that reminds me of September.  The flowers are usually bursting this time of year (when it isn't so dry) and the days are getting shorter.

The medallion is on-point but interesting.  I think this is an original pattern from the maker.

My gut tells me this is probably from the early 1900s.  I don't have any reason to support it.  The colors are solid (and therefore harder to date).  However the borders are comprised of the sugar loaf pattern:

One friend was surprised I bought this piece.  I don't purchase like baskets (or urns) that are off centered like this quilt or this quilt photo I found on pinterest:

Tomorrow is Flower Friday and if you have any images to share, please email me at!

Have a safe and happy day!

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