Friday, February 7, 2025

Bubble Gum Day


Hello and Happy Bubble Gum Day!

Honestly, I don't really know who determines these days of the year but some of them are fun and bring back memories.  My brother and I often bought the one cent piece of bazooka and then read the comic inside.  But when we had more cash, we got the gum that had baseball cards in them.  We didn't have that kind of cash often.

But bubble gum is often referenced in vintage quilts.  In the 1920s, pink became a hot color to use in quilts.  When "bubble gum pink" was introduced it was a hot color and used frequently in quilts.

It's very difficult to get colors right on digital cameras but I did a comparison for you.

Yes bubble gum pink:

Below2 quilts no not bubble gum pink:

Below--YES bubble gum pink!

I don't really enjoy gum except when baseball season begins and I'm on edge because of the game.  

And speaking of baseball...most teams report for Spring Training next week (my Phillies report Wednesday the 12th).

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. Boy those photos/memories made my mouth water!

  2. red sox truck day was tuesday...that's the day the trucks are loaded and leave for spring training!

  3. Can't wait for Spring Training, after the Eagles win the Super Bowl, of course! Go Birds! (Not a big football fan, just a Philly sports fan!)

  4. Beautiful examples of pinks in pretty.
