Thursday, October 19, 2023

Making Variations


It's been a pretty busy week!  I hope your sewing is going well.  Last week I talked about some mistakes I had made in sewing.  This weekend I'm determined to make lemonade out of those mistakes.

I'm making variations...literally!

The first project was to figure out what to do with the star blocks (two finished, lots of parts assembled) that I talked about last week.  Over the weekend, I found a layout that I liked better.

Old layout:

I decided I like the peach framing the bird centerpiece better and here's the new layout.

This weekend I'll be trimming 110 of the hourglass blocks so that they conform with the other pieces.  The one thing I'm sure of is that I won't be able to rotary cut for a while so I want to get that done.

Then there was the batik quilt top.  

Sure it is smaller than I would have liked but instead of taking it apart, I decided to look for an autumn like batik to border the piece.  I found this at my local quilt shop:

The color is a little deeper than the photo but you get the idea.  I will work on that this weekend as well.

Happily, one more Christmas quilt top is now quilted and I can pick that up today and put a machine binding on it before the surgery. 

I worked in the garden all day yesterday and now it's time to take a break for the winter.  I won't be able to do anything more and I don't want my husband to work out there.  Somehow, gardening chores end up with hubby thinking of some hairbrained scheme and chopping trees and bushes (or worse) and then...abandoning the project.  He's a great guy, I just don't want him to mess up the garden.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

If you have anything to share for Flower Friday, please email me at!

Have a safe and happy day!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new layout! That is a beautiful fabric for your border on the batik top. Hubs has given up on suggesting projects for my garden, unless I ask him. ;)
