Monday, December 2, 2024

Oh Christmas Trees!

Hello and how are you today?

Did you have a good holiday?

Thanksgiving arrived and so did the winter cold!  Our holiday was good but quiet.  The holidays are tough for my brother right now.  It's his first Thanksgiving as a widower and it's obvious how much he misses Janet.  This coming week he finally gets to see some specialists (the appointments were made in September) and hopefully more answers about his health.

I used to always use Black Friday to do a deep clean and decorate the house.  When the grandkids were young, I really went crazy with decor and traditions.  Now they are older and we haven't had a Christmas tree up since the pandemic began.  I think that portion of our life is over.   

So the only thing decor I added to the house was a few Christmas quilties--and they were all tree themed!

I love how the ladder quilt turned out because Lizzie's quilting is so phenomenal!  She also quilted the little wall hanging on the Nana Elsie window and she made it the same as the ladder quilt but scaled it down.  It takes a simple pattern and really elevates it.  Thank you Lizzie!

What kind of decorating and special quilts do you do for the holiday? 

Have a safe and happy day! 


  1. I love your tree quilts, especially in those pretty shades of turquoise! I have been getting out my Christmas quilts today, too - I love putting them here and there round the house. I do still put up a Chistms tree - I love the lights at this dark time of year!

  2. My post today shows our holiday decor. I am stuck in the mud (frozen wiht this week's cold temps!) and bring out old favorites every year. The 4' artificial tree is on a table in front of the living room window -- though it's small, the lights at night are so pretty.
