Monday, December 30, 2024

Muscle Memory

Hello and how are you today?

Are you ready for the new year?  I sure am.  Do you have a list of  goals for the new year?  Do you have a list of projects you would like to complete?  
We are headed to the season of even colder weather.  I know I'll be hibernating in my sewing room for most of the year.  But the early part of the year usually means I get a lot of sewing done.  

I'm working on muscle memory these days.  I worked on small binding projects before the holiday (they were gifts) and eventually tackled binding a lap quilt.  It felt good!  Now I'm working on my embroidery skills.

I have to admit, I was shocked at how clumsy my fingers were when I first endeavored to embroider again.  I ended up repeatedly ripping stitches out and getting disgusted.  I'm over that.  I'm going to start from the beginning and just practice, practice, practice again.  It will come back, I know.

Getting adept at handwork again is about my only big goal for the new year.  Do you have a sewing goal?

Have a safe and happy day!



  1. I have a long list of project to work on in 2025, so long in fact, that the list will be worked in '26 and '27 also! Enjoy your handwork, happy stitching and Happy New Year!

  2. I get it - I am always surprised at how difficult sewing/needlework/crochet is when I haven't done it in awhile.
    Have a wonderful 2025!
