Friday, June 2, 2023

Flower Friday: June 2, 2023


Happy Flower Friday!

I'm sorry to relay that our friend Sue P. took a fall in her own garden last week and broke her hip.  She's hoping to get home from the rehab on Saturday.  We all send lets of love and hug to Sue!!!  Get well soon!

Barb S. sent some lovely photos of her honeysuckle, "Scentsation."  She says it does have a lovely fragrance!

Barb pretty much summarized what most of us gardeners are doing around here these days:  "All I've done this week is water and check the weather forecast."  The Lehigh Valley where we both live had officially less than a quarter inch of rain for the whole month of May.  Even with the watering I've done, the soil makes it impossible to weed:  the consistency is like concrete.

Nann from With Strings Attached told me that they are officially in drought where she lives in Illinois.

How is the weather where you live?

Despite the dryness, the garden continues to look okay.  I took a photo of my foxglove the other day and realized you can see the Irish moss blooming.  It looks magical to me:

I told you last week that the pretty Missouri primroses were taking over the beds.  Here's an example:

The cleome is doing okay despite the dry conditions:

Wishing you all a happy and weekend!  Take care Sue!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Sue's fall - sending her lots of good thoughts! Your primroses are beautiful, Michele! We have actually had a pretty wet May here on the Colorado Front Range. Kind of unusual for us, but the growing things are very happy!
