Thursday, February 27, 2025

Leaders and Enders Quilt



Last week I finished my leaders and enders quilt.

I still need to figure out the next leaders and enders quilt.  I think it will be similar but with light fabrics instead of black.

This week I'm working on small table top banners.  I got my Mom a stand for Christmas but I need to finish wall hangings for July--December.  I also decided that while I was at it, I might as well do a set for my sister-aunt Kathy.  

More of those finishes next week!

Have a safe and happy day!


  1. I've never tried a leaders and enders quilt. Yours is really pretty, and I love the backing. Looks so cozy with your quilting.

  2. The black squares really make the colors pop, lovely quilt! I'm L&E something similar but I'm using light squares. Maybe I'll use black for the next one. The scrap boxes just don't go down. There seems to be strips/squares going into there just as fast as I use them. Happy stitching!

  3. Postage stamp quilts always sparkle!
