I've only made 2 dresden style quilts and that was before the digital age. I decided to hunt for dresden style photos from my collection (in all honesty--to postpone walking the dog in these cold temps). I found I had more dresden style quilts than I thought.
Anyway, I am wondering which of these pieces you find appealing!
1. Late 19th early 20th century fan:
A very common Dresden from the 1930s-40s. I like this quilt because it was made locally and is done well:
This 1950s/early 1960s piece looks pretty common until you see it up close:
Some of the blades are a newspaper print that discusses the beginning of the Cold War including the Marshall Plan and Dean Acheson's attempt to contain Communism.
There's no batting in this piece. I call it "The Cold War Summer Spread." 😁
4. This was from my Mother-In-Law. The maker decided to use REALLY BIG motifs.
The background is why I bought this one locally:
I wonder if this design would appeal to modern quilters. Maybe with Kaffe Fassett fabric in the background and white or silver dresdens?
Another local piece! This top using sateen for the background.I think that using something other than white for the background is really interesting. But I also wonder why it was never quilted? Was she criticized for her background choice? Or did she just run out of time or inclination?
Leave a comment or email me your favorite!
Tomorrow is Flower Friday and if you have a floral image you wish to share, email me a allentownquilter@gmail.com!
Have a safe and happy day!