Monday, March 24, 2025

March Finishes


Hello friends!

I continue to focus on things that bring me joy.  The news is abysmal, the weather here got cool again, and I'm looking forward to losing myself in the garden as well as the sewing room.

Despite being sick and my machine being in the shop this month, I did manage to get some quilts finished (because they only needed binding).

The first one focused on a Mary Engelbreit panel and leftover blocks from a quilt I made a long time ago (maybe 8 years?).  Well another piece finished!

The quilt below will probably be a charity quilt.  I have lots of juvenile novelty prints left and I need to use more of that up as well.  

Now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping to get back to my hand sewing as well.  What are you working on?

Have a safe and happy day!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Flower Friday: March 21, 2025


 Spring is here!

On Tuesday, I took Lucky to a different park.  Our regular park had workmen and it was a bit too loud.  Some of these parks in our valley really intrigue me.  

Who built this wall?  Was it a remnant of an old homestead or built by the WPA?

Lucky enjoyed the park and there were more flowers blooming there!

I can't remember what this ground cover is called (above) but the hills were filled with the pretty yellow flowers!

The first daffodils of the season that I encountered!

One lone Scilla Siberia Blue at the park...

But more starting to bloom in my neighborhood!

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Happy Spring!


Happy Spring to you!

There might be little to celebrate these days but we must grasp the joy we can these days!

Go outside and have some fun!

If you find yourself photographing flowers, please email a few to me for Flower Friday!

Have a safe and happy day!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Dreams of Machines :)



Right before I became ill, I had a dream about my sewing machine.  I dreamt Bill had fixed it and called me to pick it up.  When  I picked it up, he handed me this:

I don't know how to interpret the dream--other than I am a bit unsettled without my sewing machine these days.😂😂😂

So here's a reorganizing tip:  In the world of textile collectors, we often find that substances like wood can soil fabric.  Cedar is particularly hard on cotton.  So what are we to do?  A museum taught my old study group about their technique years ago. 

Yes you can use acid free tissue and boxes, but it's expensive. Some people wrap their cherished items in thick layers of muslin but considering the price of fabric these days is also a bit expensive.  

Years ago,  a museum taught our study group their technique.  They lined boxes in tinfoil which is very effective at protecting fabric.  In areas where I store some of my vintage and antique textiles (like chest of drawers), I line the whole drawer in tinfoil.  

I actually do the same thing for fabric that is being stored on wood shelves. Case in point:  19th century reproduction fabric.  I was tired of the repro fabric after Beth and I made examples for our Civil War Quilt program (a decade or more ago).  But I'm glad I kept it now.  The reproduction fabric is charming me again and I'm glad I have it--and even happier that I preserved it with tinfoil.

 Another benefit of reorganizing?   Assessing fabrics that we rarely use.  For me that would be the 19th century reproduction fabric and also...floral fabric.  Regarding floral fabric--I know, I know.  It's so silly.  I'm loathe to cut up some of the florals because they are so pretty but I need to use it.

What do you think you have a lot of in your stash that you need to use?

Have a safe and happy day!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Upside of Machine Repair


19th century trade card


My poor Pfaff machine is still in the repair shop.  I was going to make the best of it and spring clean the sewing room but I then got sick. Lucky got sick too with another ear infection...both ears this time.  We slept a lot together.  He is much better than I am but is being patient as I recover.  I still walk him through the day (sick or not, must be done) and it's good for my lungs to get the exercise and move around.

Before all that happened, I was enjoying cleaning out the sewing room and going through every little thing.  That's why I love reorganizing and cleaning.  

And yes, I did get sidetracked and spent one afternoon cutting all the scraps from the container destined to be 2.5 inch squares.  I don't even feel bad about being diverted.  I figure it is all part of the process and now I have an empty large container and a box of 2.5 inch blocks ready to go!

I also like finding stuff I had forgotten about.  I found this fabric
 and realized it would be perfect for the scrap quilt tutorial I recently viewed that used yardage and 2.5 inch squares (here).  It will be a donation quilt.

So more on organizing tomorrow but I need a nap now.  Have a safe and happy day!

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Today I'm sharing some photos of quilts that sport green!

Mid 20th century scrap star quilt

Mine: Pre-covid scrap quilt

Last quarter 19th century

Mid 20th century

Last quarter 19th century

Another pre-covid green quilt I made

Wall hanging made with photos of my Irish-American family.

Have a safe and happy day!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Flower Friday: March 14, 2025


5 days until spring!

The grass has not really greened up yet but the onion grass is showing (Lucky loves to smell it).  But there are signs of spring here!

Abundant snowdrops!

The crocuses are coming in!

And my neighbor's wee Dutch irses are blooming!

Have a wonderful weekend!